Life is not a Fairy Tale and She is not Cinderella

Jun 02, 2023 by Kathy Vintson
She just watched a movie that ended with a man riding up the street on a white horse to win the girl of his dreams. No kidding!! A white horse. A handsome man. A woman. A kiss. And happily ever after.


She is sitting on the sofa, wrapped in a blanket, wearing oversized sweats, hair piled on top of her head, no makeup, no motivation, and no plans. Other than her plan to eat a quart of cookies n’ cream ice cream.

So she thinks to herself...

While she absolutely loves a good, sappy, always ends happy, chick flick, she has to be careful not to compare her life to a movie. Because truthfully, she does not go to bed and wake up with perfect makeup. Her hair is an absolute mess when she gets up every morning. While she has a lot of cute outfits in her closet, she normally opts for what is most comfortable instead of what is most stylish. Her husband is a hottie but he has never owned a white horse. Her children didn’t come into this world with a silver spoon. She has worked very hard for what she wants. Her house keeps getting dirty no matter how often she cleans it. She cannot eat what she wants, when she wants, and have a small waistline.

And that is just how it is.

She knows…

Life is not a fairy tale and she is not Cinderella!

If she is looking for the perfect mate, angelic children, a job that pays a lot but doesn’t require a lot, a smart house that cleans itself, and a perfectly lean body that eats cookies and cream ice cream, she will live a life of disappointment.

But, if she is looking for a mate who has a heart after God, children who know who they are and serve the Lord with gladness, a job that allows her to be a light in this dark world, a house built on the Rock, and a body she honors as a temple of the Holy Spirit, then she will find a life filled with unconditional love, everlasting joy, strength that endures, peace that passes all understanding, faith that moves mountains, and hope for eternal life.

In this life, God is King, she is His princess, her castle is a mansion in heaven, her beautiful gown is the armor of God, she has an army of angels fighting for her, and one day, Christ, the One called Faithful and True, will appear on a white horse!

And that is greater than any fairy tale ever written!!!

Love and hugs,