Stop Looking at Her

Jun 05, 2023 by Kathy Vintson

There is at least one in our lives at every stage of our lives. That girl. That mama. That woman.

That girl. That girl everyone likes. That girl who can outrun the boys.  That girl with the cool lunches.  That girl with the cool mom. That girl who can hit the ball over the fence. That girl who won the crown. That girl who gets all the solos. That girl with the highest GPA. That girl who always has a date. That girl with the cool clothes.

That mama. That mama with the perfect kids. That mama who cooks dinner every night. That mama who brings homemade cookies to the class party. That mama who always has a clean house. That mama who throws the best birthday parties. That mama who has sleepovers. That mama who posts pictures of the best vacations. That mama who doesn’t look like she ever had a baby.

That woman. That woman with the great job. That woman who is well educated. That woman who does charity work. That woman who drives a nice car. That woman with the great husband. That woman who is skinny. That woman who looks good in tennis shoes and stilettos.  That woman who can sing. That woman who runs marathons. That woman who is pretty AND has a great personality.

That girl. That mama. That woman.

Stop looking at her!

Stop comparing yourself to her!

You will never measure up. Not because she is better than you, smarter than you, prettier than you, or more talented than you. Because she is not you! She is who God created her to be and you are who God created you to be. There is no comparison. He makes no mistakes.

Instead of looking at her, look at yourself. Instead of reflecting on what you want that she has, reflect on what you have. Instead of being jealous of how God created her, be thankful for how God created you. Make a conscious effort to stop looking at her!

It isn’t easy. You are human and you are not perfect. You are sometimes envious. You sometimes want what someone else has. But every minute you spend coveting what she has, you are missing out on what God has for you.

Proverbs 14:30 says, “…envy makes the bones rot.”

Now I don’t know about you, but I don’t particularly want my bones to rot!

You must switch your focus. Philippians 4:8 says to think on what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy. If you do this, it will be life changing! When you find yourself with thoughts of envy or jealousy, stop! Dwell on who you are, a daughter of the King. Think about who He created you to be. Praise Him because you are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Ask Him to guide you to become your best self.

Romans 12:2 says, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” In order to know God’s will for your life and to fulfill His purpose for your life, you must have the right mindset. Focus on Him. Focus on you.

Stop looking at her!

Love and hugs,