Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, at any Age

Jun 22, 2023 by Kathy Vintson
At 20, with so much to look forward to, she was excited to be out of her teens.
At 30, with a job, a home, a husband, and two kids, she was excited to get an extra hour of sleep.
At 40, with homework, ball games, recitals, school events, church functions, and sleepovers, she was excited to sit down for thirty minutes.
At 50, with peri-menopause, wrinkles, gray hair, and an empty nest, she was excited she now had the money to cover the gray and go for a mani/pedi or massage.

And now, as 60 is right around the corner, a retired grandmother, she is excited to launch her first book and begin a new career.

Sister, do not listen to the lies of the enemy. God does not intend for you to lose heart as you age. Paul said, “we are being renewed day by day.” Use the wisdom and experience you have gained from each decade, and be who God created, fearfully and wonderfully made, at any age.

Love and hugs,

“Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.” (Isaiah 46:4)